What it is:

Organic Sprouted Granola

Health benefits:

Sprouts contain all the nutrients necessary for a baby plant to grow into a healthy adult plant.  That means there is extra nutrition in a sprout to ensure it survives and thrives.  When we consume sprouts, we benefit from that extra nutrition.  Sprouts also contain enzymes which make the nutrients more bioavailable (more easily absorbed by our bodies).

How I use it:

I’ve always loved eating cereal for dinner!  And that’s what I did up until and throughout my 20s.  But then I put the kibosh on cereal altogether as I began to learn that most cereals are simply sweet treats more suitable as a dessert if eaten at all!  And that was true even for my “health cereals” which weren’t so healthy after all with ingredients like canola oilnatural flavor, and the lab made chemical BHT in them!  Talk about a toxic spoonful of fake food! 

Through my nutrition certification, I also learned that putting grains under high pressure to make them into “fun shapes” for use in cereal potentially damages the properties of the food.  This could cause these foods to be less than optimal for health.

Since finding this organic sprouted granola, I have returned to eating granola as my carb/dessert for dinner most nights!

How I found it:

When I became a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner through the Nutritional Therapy Association, we learned about the health benefits of sprouted grains.  As a result, I decided to add them to my regular diet.  I was grocery shopping at Whole Foods looking for a good product and found this one.  And I’ve been enjoying it ever since!

Why I use it:

I try to be judicious with my daily carb budget.  If you have sugar dysregulation issues, even healthy carbs in fruits and vegetables may need to be limited until you heal.  Otherwise, nutritionally dense carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and sprouted grains are incredible sources of minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals and other nutrients that can help optimize health. 

If you waste your daily carb budget on nutritionally bankrupt refined carbohydrates, you’ll likely eat a carb heavy diet AND deprive yourself of important nutrients!  I challenge you to find a more delicious and nutrient dense carbohydrate than this sprouted quinoa and oat granola!  I also like that this flavor has less sugar than other granolas without skimping on taste!

Check out Kettle and Fire Bone Broths for more great ideas on nutrition! 

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Abby Cain health and fitness

About The Author - Abby Cain

Abby opened a personal fitness studio in 2010. Although her clients were very committed to achieving better health outcomes through their workouts, their eating behaviors and lifestyle choices outside of the gym were preventing them from achieving optimal health. She began sharing tips and ideas on how to better support the work clients were doing inside the gym by introducing clients to her favorite products she had discovered over the years to support her own health journey. Thus Buy Healthy Live Healthy was born.


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