What it is:
The twelve essential minerals of the body. Also known as cell salts or even electrolytes.
Health benefits:
Restores mineral imbalances in the body. Mineral deficiencies compromise your body’s ability to maintain health and repair itself. Minerals play several important roles in the body including acting as cofactors for enzyme reactions, maintaining body pH, moving nutrients into cells, maintaining proper nerve conduction, contracting and relaxing muscles, regulating growth tissue, and providing structural and functional support. Nutritional Therapy Association. (2019) Introduction to Mineral Balance.
How I use it:
Although I sometimes forget, my intention is to take this product daily to support my overall health. I keep these in the gym to share with clients when they experience cramping. My oldest son takes these before football or track practice to support his electrolyte balance during practice. And finally, when my kids catch a cramp or complain of a headache, stomachache or are generally feeling under the weather, this is one of our first go to remedies. No matter how many times we experience relief, we still shake our heads in surprise at how simple it can be to support the body in healing itself!
How I found it:
I have a long-time client who had been experiencing night leg cramping severe enough to keep her from sleeping night after night after night. She tried one thing after the other to no avail until one day she came in for her weekly training session and said, “Abby! I have a book you need to read!” (“Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies: Healing with Nature’s 12 Mineral Compounds.”) She had read it and as a result, proceeded to buy this product and completely rid herself of her night leg cramps!
Why I use it:
Okay if I’m honest here, aside from all the amazing benefits shared in the paragraphs above, a big factor in why I use this product is because it is fun to take! It is a slightly sweet tablet that you take sublingually (put under the tongue and let dissolve.) The minerals get absorbed by the tissue under your tongue and pass directly into the bloodstream. So it acts fast compared to products you take orally that must go through the digestive system before being absorbed into the bloodstream through the small intestines.
Before being aware of this product, when my children complained of a headache for instance, I might have given them ibuprofen. After I became aware that pain relievers like ibuprofen cause extra work for the liver, I wanted a better solution. I find that Hyland Bioplasma tablets work better for us, and I keep my kiddos from experiencing any downsides that could occur from using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs like ibuprofen. So, you know…win win!!