What it is:

A solution of distilled water, potassium iodide, and iodine.

Health Benefits:

My family nebulizes a mixture of Lugol’s 2% Solution, food grade hydrogen peroxide and saline in our nebulizer when any of us begin to feel cold symptoms coming on.  It makes us feel better, and we believe it supports our bodies to move more quickly through whatever ails us.    

*Please note that the information in this review should not be used as medical advice and as such, no dosage information is provided.  Dr. David Brownstein, M.D., and Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.O., discuss saline, hydrogen peroxide and iodine nebulization on Dr. Mercola’s podcast, “Take Control of Your Health” Part 1.  In Part 2 Dr. Mercola speaks with Dr. Thomas Levy, M.D.,  J.D..  Highlights of this podcast can also be found on YouTube. 

Dr. Brownstein has authored over a dozen books, several of which specifically address iodine.  Dr. Thomas Levy has also authored over a dozen books, one of which is entitled “Rapid Virus Recovery,” and speaks specifically on nebulized hydrogen peroxide.  This book is no longer available on Amazon; however, I have included the link to a free downloadable e-book. 

According to the J. Crow’s website, their iodine solutions can also be used as a general supplement to maintain iodine content in the body.  Check out Barbara O’Neill’s video on how to test your iodine levels and how to restore iodine balance in the body.        

*Consult with your trusted qualified healthcare provider regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regimen or treating any conditions.

How I use it:

When I or one of my children has a cough, scratchy throat, chest congestion, or stuffy nose, we get out our nebulizer.  We combine saline solution, food grade Hydrogen Peroxide, and Lugol’s 2% Iodine solution in the atomizer. We nebulize for approximately 5 minutes or until there is no solution remaining in the atomizer.

I also test and supplement my iodine levels from time to time as Barbara O’Neill’s video suggests.

*Consult with your trusted qualified healthcare provider regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regimen.

How I found it:

Listening to the Mercola podcasts referenced above.

Why I use it:

Lugol’s Iodine Solutions are generally a great addition to your home apothecary.  There are several applications for health as well as for household cleaning and water purification.  It never expires and can be a lifesaver in many situations.

Additionally, after years of repeated antibiotic use for my children’s ear infections and bouts of strep throat as well as anti virals for flu, I have found that nebulized saline, hydrogen peroxide, and Lugol’s, is a necessary staple to keep my family well and out of the doctor’s office! 

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Abby Cain health and fitness

About The Author - Abby Cain

Abby opened a personal fitness studio in 2010. Although her clients were very committed to achieving better health outcomes through their workouts, their eating behaviors and lifestyle choices outside of the gym were preventing them from achieving optimal health. She began sharing tips and ideas on how to better support the work clients were doing inside the gym by introducing clients to her favorite products she had discovered over the years to support her own health journey. Thus Buy Healthy Live Healthy was born.


  1. Amber

    Can u give the measurements for each ingredient for the solution you and your family use?

    • Abby Cain

      Because I am not a doctor or other qualified healthcare provider, I am not at liberty to share measurements for each ingredient as it may be construed as medical advice. I included links within the review to podcasts and the e-book to help people find additional information which I am not qualified to provide. I hope that is helpful and will at the very least point you in the right direction for finding that info! Thank you for your question. I am sure many people have wondered the exact same thing!


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