Nourishing Traditions Cookbook

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by | Jun 2, 2023

What it is:

A cookbook…..and so so much more!

Health benefits:

This book single handedly could provide an entire blueprint, roadmap and education for how to live a nutritionally optimal life!  Not only will you get a comprehensive manual about the what and how of nutrition, you will be given recipes and step by step instructions on how to prep foods as well as techniques to emulate our ancestral knowledge about how to prepare food to allow for optimal nutrient absorption and assimilation into the body.  Arguably this may be one of the most valuable investments you may ever make in your and your family’s health!

How I use it:

As a text book, reference manual, and cookbook

How I found it:

This book was required reading for my coursework to become a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) through the Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA).      

Why I use it:

One of the main tenants of the NTP program is understanding food, nutrition, and health through the lens of ancestral wisdom.  This refers to traditional practices of indigenous peoples from around the world built upon generational collective experiences in harmony with their respective ecosystems.  We have forgotten much in our “more civilized and technologically advanced” modern societies and thus have much to relearn.  This book is a tremendous resource to do just that.

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Abby Cain health and fitness

About The Author - Abby Cain

Abby opened a personal fitness studio in 2010. Although her clients were very committed to achieving better health outcomes through their workouts, their eating behaviors and lifestyle choices outside of the gym were preventing them from achieving optimal health. She began sharing tips and ideas on how to better support the work clients were doing inside the gym by introducing clients to her favorite products she had discovered over the years to support her own health journey. Thus Buy Healthy Live Healthy was born.


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