What it is:
All natural, unprocessed, whole salt containing over 60 different trace minerals including but not limited to chloride, sodium, potassium, sulfur, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, and manganese.
Health Benefits:
The body needs approximately 90 essential nutrients to carry out bodily functions. They are referred to as essential because the body cannot make these nutrients on its own. So, unless these nutrients are eaten on a regular basis, the body may not be able to carry out many functions.
A whopping 60 of the essential nutrients our bodies need to function properly are minerals! Sixteen are vitamins, twelve are amino acids, and 2-3 are essential fatty acids. We hear quite a bit about vitamins, amino acids, and fatty acids; however, relatively little attention is given to minerals! Given that TWO-THIRDS of the essential nutrients our bodies need are minerals, it is time to put minerals in the spotlight! There are several excellent all natural whole salts from which to choose to support your health.
How I use it:
I put a crystal of Celtic Sea Salt under my tongue. Once dissolved, I drink water. Ideally, I would do this 1-3 times per day. As it stands, I do it when I happen to remember or am feeling especially dehydrated.
There are sublingual glands under your tongue that transport the dissolved minerals directly into the bloodstream. Bypassing digestion allows the nutrition to enter your bloodstream more quickly. It also means that a higher percentage of the nutrition is utilized since it doesn’t have to be mixed with digestive juices and enzymes potentially destroying some of the minerals during the digestive process.
Once these minerals encounter your saliva, they are ionized (take on a negative or positive charge). Once ionization takes place, the minerals become electrolytes. If water is drunk soon after the minerals dissolve under the tongue, there is a super hydration effect that takes place. Due to the minerals and electrolytes, the cells quickly transport the water into the cells.
There was a time when my son would regularly vomit after competing in the 400-meter event for Track. He felt terrible but considered it a badge of honor to have pushed himself so hard that his body was having a physical reaction. When I educated him that his body was likely pulling minerals/electrolytes from his tissues and bones due to the intense effort of the race, and may undermine his overall strength and endurance, he was quick to want a solution. Now he carries a small container of Celtic Sea Salt in his backpack. He puts a crystal under his tongue and drinks water before and after the race. No more vomiting!
Given what a simple and healthful solution this is to rehydrate the body, I am especially frustrated when I get requests from track coaches for parents to bring Gatorade for kids to drink at track meets. Any given Gatorade may have more than ten different ingredients, including food dye and preservatives. Gatorade is most certainly NOT the sort of beverage I would recommend anyone, let alone athletes, to drink to optimize health or athletic performance.
How I found it:
I first became aware of the importance of salt during my Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Certification. We learned that regular table salt was problematic for several reasons. Regular table salt has been stripped of all minerals except for sodium and chloride. It also has been bleached and retains residue of bleaching agents. Finally, due to the prevalence of goiterism in the early 1900s, iodine was bound to the sodium and chloride crystals. As a result, table salt also contains caking agents. Bottom line is that table salt contains many non-natural components that could be detrimental to health.
Salt, leafy greens, and seafood are a few primary sources of minerals. In nature, minerals are present in a natural balance. For example, sea water has 103 minerals in it. This is the same number of minerals found in the human body; moreover, the ratio of the 103 minerals in sea water is the same as that found in our bodies! I imagine that is why so many folks are getting into using sea moss as an alternative to supplementing one’s mineral intake. Another one of my go to items is Hyland’s Bio Plasma tablets. Hyland’s BioPlasma contains the 12 essential minerals, also known as cell salts, in the body.
Another helpful salt resource is the “Salt Doctor,” Dr. James DiNicolantionio. One of his favorite salts is Redmond’s Real Salt. I regularly use both Redmond’s and Celtic Sea Salt.
Why I use it:
It’s a great source of essential nutrients with all natural whole ingredients!
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